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Tag: dealing with debt

7 Quick Tips on Dealing With Debt

Managing your finances when you are in debt can be incredibly stressful. It’s difficult to find the right balance so you can manage debt repayments and increasing interest, while also covering your monthly living expenses. More people find themselves in this situation at the moment because energy price hikes, inflation, and the increased cost of living are putting more pressure on their finances. Currently, the average UK debt for adults is £33,000 and this figure is likely to increase in the near future.

When debt is piling up, it’s always a good idea to seek advice from a specialist before things get out of hand. However, there are some key things you can do to stay on top of the situation. Here are 7 tips on dealing with debt.

1. Pay Off Credit Cards

Man paying with credit card on laptop.

Credit card debt should be a priority because they usually have high-interest rates and it’s easy to get into a debt spiral if you have multiple cards. If you are not in a position to pay off the full balance, pay off whatever you can afford. Paying little and often will bring the balance down and 

reduce the interest, making the debt more manageable. When paying off credit cards, focus on the ones with the highest interest first so you can reduce your overall monthly payments as much as possible.

If you have over 3 lines of credit with at least 2 creditors, you may qualify for an Individual Voluntary Arrangement or a Debt Management Plan. An IVA allows only pay back what you can realistically afford each month with any remaining debt being written off at the end of the agreed term.

2. Build an Emergency Fund

Drawing of man and woman adding coins to a jar to build an emergency fund

People assume that all disposable income should go towards paying off debts, but that is not true. As long as you are meeting the required contractual repayments on your debts, it can be a good idea to save money, even if you have a lot of debt payments to make. That way, if you are hit with an unexpected expense like home or car repairs, for example, you have money to pay for it.

Without an emergency fund, you may otherwise be forced to borrow more and push yourself further into debt. So, even if you can only afford to save a small amount, put aside whatever you can. If you do decide to save, always make sure you pay your contractual monthly repayment amounts on your debts first.

3. Take Account of All Your Debts

Young caucasian family having debt problems, not able to pay out their loan

Knowing exactly what you owe allows you to make an informed decision about how to deal with your debts. But when you have lots of different debts, it is easy to lose track. So, gather all of your debts and write them down on a piece of paper so you can get a total figure for what you owe and how much your monthly repayments are.

Visualising your debts in this way helps you see whether you can actually afford to pay them back or if you need to seek help. If you find that you cannot realistically afford to pay your debts, Swift Debt Help can assist you. You may be eligible for a formal debt solution such as an IVA or Debt Relief Order if you have multiple debts. Otherwise, we can talk you through the rest of your options and find the best way for you to tackle your debts.

4. Prioritising Debts

Man writing down his debts, using laptop to look at finances

If you do decide that you can pay debts on your own, you should start by prioritising them. Sort them into the most and least important based on how much you owe, what the interest rates are, and what the consequences for non-payment are. For example, if you are on a last warning your creditors could take legal action and pass the debt onto collectors. This could result in bailiffs being instructed who may attempt to repossess items from your home as a means of satisfying the debt. This debt would be considered a priority debt.

If you have council tax debt and your arrears reach a magistrates court, you could be issued a CCJ, an Attachment of Earnings Order, or even sent to prison, so this debt would also need to be dealt with as a priority. 

Ideally, you should pay all debts on time. But when this simply is not possible, prioritise them and focus on the most important ones first.

If after prioritising your most important debts you find you don’t have enough left over to pay the rest of your creditors what they are demanding, get in touch with Swift Debt Help to explore all the options available to you so you can understand the help available to people struggling with debt.

5. Create a Spending Plan

notebook budget calculation

A strict spending plan can free up more money to go towards clearing your debts. Start by tracking your income and all of your essential outgoings to calculate how much disposable income you have left. You can then start finding areas to cut back and save money.

Meal plans help you be more economical with your shopping, for example. You can also try turning down your heating a few degrees to make savings during the winter. Look at all of the small expenses like subscriptions too because these quickly add up.

6. Seek Help

Person holding man's hands, showing moral support through debt problems.

Trying to deal with debts on your own can often be difficult and extremely stressful. When things get out of control, always remember there are services available to assist you in resolving the problem.

Struggling to deal with the problem alone could make your situation worse, so if you find that you are unable to pay your debts, contact us at Swift Debt Help right away and we can show you what your options are. There are many different processes available that can help you deal with debt.

7. Exclude All Luxuries

Jewellery on display

Finally, you should try to exclude all payments that are not completely necessary. This includes eating out, delivery meal plans, TV subscriptions and memberships, buying lunch or coffee at work, cosmetic treatments, and any other non-essential purchases. Although this may seem extreme, it allows you to pay more towards your debts and chip away at them little by little.

Once you are meeting the minimum required monthly repayments on all of your debts, you will be in a more stable financial situation, and you can start paying for luxuries again if you wish.

If you have numerous debts of different types in varying amounts, it can be difficult to keep track of payments and manage your finances.

If you have read the above tips and feel that you may need more help, or wish to understand the options available to you in your circumstances, Swift Debt Help debt solution finder is a great first step in finding the help you need. You just need to enter your debt amount, your residential status, and your contact information and you will one of our friendly team will provide you with essential information about your available options. Otherwise, get in touch with Swift Debt Help directly and we will give you all of the expert advice you need.

Request a Debt Assessment

Disclaimer: For guidance only. Financial information entered must be accurate and would require verification. Other factors will influence your most suitable debt solution.

The 5 Stage Process of Dealing With Debt

People with debt problems often hide their situation because they are ashamed. But the reality is, that it is more common than we realise. In February 2022, the average adult in the UK owed £33.410 in total debt.

Mounting debts create a huge amount of stress and we all have coping mechanisms to deal with this. We have identified 5 stages many people might go through as debt begins to spiral out of control. Consider if these ring true for you, and if so, understanding where you are in the process could make it easier to intervene and take action to resolve your problems.

1. Denial

man giving a thumbs down

Debt is incredibly common and most people use credit in some form. Borrowing an affordable amount on a credit card and paying it off right away can benefit you. But when your debts get out of control, it’s important that you address the problem right away. Unfortunately, the first stage of dealing with debt is usually denial.

Even though the payments are out of control, people tell themselves that they are borrowing responsibly and they will easily be able to get back on track next month. Their spending habits don’t change, so they still make a lot of luxury purchases and don’t save money or pay their debt.

Emergency spending is also common in people that are in denial about debt because they fail to plan for the future. When all of your money goes into credit card payments and you don’t have any emergency savings, an unexpected payment pushes you further into debt.

A large proportion of people in debt denial will overspend and build up large credit card debts. Ultimately, this means that the situation gets worse every month and people in denial tend to avoid looking at their bank balance or credit card statements because they are afraid of the outcome.

2. Panic

Tired teen girl feeling dizzy, having panic attack and massaging her temple.

Denial can only last so long before you are forced to face your debt problems. Interest payments will increase on unpaid debts and the situation will snowball. Missed payments and unpaid bills start piling up and creditors will send letters and call you on the phone, demanding payment. Eventually, collection agents may start coming to the house too, so it is impossible to avoid the situation. This is when panic sets in. Once people realise that they are in a serious debt situation and they don’t know how to deal with it, they usually react in one of two ways; some people accept that they are out of their depth and seek help with their problems. However, some people try to manage the problem alone and move into stage 3.

3. Self-Determination

Successful businesswoman working hard on laptop computer in her office dressed up in white clothes.

Sometimes, people believe they can fix the problem themselves or are too proud to ask for help. Depending on the severity of the problem, some people can make positive changes to resolve their situation themselves and get back in control. But often, small changes to habits or using money-saving tricks only make a tiny dent in the large debts. Even getting a second job and making big cutbacks on spending can fail to solve the problem, especially if it has been ignored for so long. 

Although people can buy themselves a bit of time, serious debt problems cannot always be dealt with on your own. In many cases, it is too late for budgeting and you need to consider formal debt solutions. It is a good idea to have a realistic look at your situation and what you can practically achieve to help. For some people, it might be best to skip the self-determination stage and seek professional advice as soon as they recognise the problem, rather than delaying the inevitable.

4. Frustration

Frustrated woman with head and glasses in hands. Laptop open in front of her with paperwork on the desk.

Eventually, people get to a stage where they have tried everything and their debts are still increasing every month. At this point, the frustration begins and the debt problem starts impacting other areas of their life. Relationship problems are very common because people hide the scale of the debt. When they recognise that they cannot fix the problem and they need to admit how bad the situation is, this can lead to family tensions. People also try to shield friends and family from the situation, so they will isolate themselves.

Realising that they have tried everything and nothing has worked also creates a feeling of helplessness. This, coupled with the sheer stress of the situation, can lead to mental health issues like anxiety and depression.

If you do find yourself in this position, you can fill out a ‘debt and mental health evidence form’ and send it to your creditors. This gives them your consent to access information from your doctor about your mental health, so they are aware of the impact that debt is having on you. Many creditors will take this into account when contacting you about payments or negotiating a payment plan with you. 

5. Acceptance

Man stamping 'acceptance' in notepad.

Acceptance is the end of the debt cycle. After trying everything else and seeing the impact that it is having on their lives, people finally accept that they need help dealing with their debt issues. When people eventually reach acceptance, they seek the advice of a debt solution company like Swift Debt Help. 

If you have debts with multiple creditors and you are unable to pay, an Individual Voluntary Arrangement may be the right option. This allows you to write off a portion of the debt and consolidate all of your different debts into one manageable payment. It also stops creditors from chasing you, so you can take the pressure off and focus on repaying the debts.

Being trapped in a cycle of debt can feel hopeless and you might experience all of these stages, but help is out there. At Swift Debt Help, we can give you advice about different debt solutions and support you through the process. There are processes you can enrol in before you get to the debt recovery solutions stage, so you can protect your financial future,

If you are looking for a way to solve your debt issues, our excellent solution finder tool can help you find the right processes for you. Alternatively, get in touch directly and our expert team can give you all of the advice you need.

Request a Debt Assessment

Disclaimer: For guidance only. Financial information entered must be accurate and would require verification. Other factors will influence your most suitable debt solution.