An administration order is a way to deal with debt if you have a court judgement against you and you can’t pay in full
An administration order allows you to make affordable payments to cover all your debts when one or more of them is already subject to a Court order.
Swift do not currently offer administration orders.
However we can advise you if you’re likely to meet the criteria and can offer you some free assistance in applying.
If you’ve been taken to Court over a debt, a County Court judgment (CCJ) is issued formally detailing the terms you are required to repay it. However, the Court does not necessarily know your financial situation nor of other debts you must pay.
Don’t prioritise debts with a CCJ to the detriment of your other debts and financial commitments.
If the CCAO is awarded, you make a single regular payment to your local Court who then divides this money between your creditors.
If you cannot afford to meet the terms the of the CCJ and you have other debts, you can explain this to the Court in applying for a CCAO.
If the CCAO is awarded, you make a single regular payment to your local Court who then divides this money between your creditors.
There is no upfront fee, but the court takes 10p of every £1 you repay.
Can I get an Administration Order?
You can ask the Court to make an administration order if:
You owe no more than £5,000 in total to at least 2 creditors
You have a CCJ entered against you by one of your creditors that you can’t pay in full
Under the order, you must make regular payments from your income to the Court, which shares them among your creditors, in proportion to the amounts owed to each.
If you fail to maintain the payments, the Court may make an attachment of earnings order which instructs your employer to make deductions from your wages to be paid directly to the Court.
You can’t be selective. You must treat all your unsecured creditors equally and include them all.
This type of order should not be confused with a company going into administration – it does not impact the running of any business you have; nor is it a form of insolvency.
Composition Order
A Composition Order is a variation to a CCAO where, instead of being ordered to repay the full amount of your debts, you will be ordered to only pay a percentage of what you owe, with the remaining amount being written off.
It is likely that you will need to complete the application yourself, more general information is available via the Money Advice Service an independent service, set up by Government.
We Can Help You Today
For more information about how an administration order can help you please get in touch. We can:
Speak to your creditor(s) and their collection agents.
Fully inform you of your rights.
If necessary, take steps to prevent legal action.
Offer a full review of your situation and explain formal solutions to get you out of debt.