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Improve Your Health – Kick Debt To The Curb

Between January and August 2016 the average debt per household in the UK had increased by £412.30 according to This increased pressure of debt felt by so many in the UK can result in both mental and physical ailments that wouldn’t normally be associated with being in debt.

We all worry about debt (worry is an obvious one), but worry alone can make everyday tasks feel difficult and laborious, even going to work can feel like a real strain when you are worried sick about debt.

We’ve listed below some of the less obvious debt related ailments which studies have shown have a high correlation with being in debt. If you suffer from any of these it would be worthwhile using our online debt solution finder to see whether we can help you reduce your debt levels. You may find that we can help you write off up to 90% of your debt.

Do you suffer from any of these?

  • High blood pressure? – Worrying about how you are going to make the next payment? How to ask your family/friends for money? The phone ringing? The postman calling? Bailiffs? All of these can cause high blood pressure which in turn can lead to more serious complications such as strokes and heart disease.
  • Feeling Anxious? – Anxiety can be brought on by the stress caused by being in debt and often goes hand in hand with high blood pressure. All of the worries that can cause high blood pressure can also result in anxiety.
  • Aching muscles? – Waiting for that next credit card bill or ‘red’ letter to drop through the letterbox? Believe it or not, studies have shown that being in debt can also cause muscle aches and strains as well as migraines. Studies also suggest that people with higher levels of ‘debt stress’ are also more susceptible to ulcers, back pain and muscle tension.
  • Depressed? – It’s no surprise that debt can leave you feeling depressed. The kids need new shoes, you’re desperate for a holiday, your gas bill is growing instead of shrinking regardless of how little you use the heating… the list goes on. Not being in control of your financial future can leave you feeling, well frankly, depressed…
  • Catch every cold going? – The last thing that you need when your head is full of debt is having it full of cold as well, but being in debt can also have a negative impact on your immune system leaving you more susceptible to coughs and colds that you’d usually fight off. Chronic stress and staying awake at night worrying about debt can both substantially lower your immunity to infections.
  • Always arguing? – When you are stressed and worried it can be hard to have a rational conversation with your partner. Poor communication within a relationship however can often lead to its demise. Arguing about the debt and consequences won’t help at all… It doesn’t have to be like this though…

If you can relate to any of the ailments above and believe that debt is having a detrimental effect on your health, give Swift Debt Help a call on 0800 211 8790 or complete our simple debt solution finder and we could help you become debt free. We’ve helped hundreds of people just like you (read our customer reviews) so what are you waiting for?
